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Vote to Regulate Roadways
The Board of Directors of the Red Mountain Ranch Owners Association needs your attention for an important vote about the Association’s ability to manage public roads.
If the vote passes, the Association will keep its current power to manage public roads, including rules about parking, storage, and signs. If it fails, the Association will lose this authority.
Background: As of October 30, 2023, Arizona House Bill 2298 changed A.R.S § 33-1818, which affects planned communities with deed restrictions recorded before 2015. Our Association is included because its Declaration was recorded in 1995 and limits parking on public streets (Article 3, Section 3.17.5) and signs in medians.
A vote from members is needed by June 30, 2025, to decide if the Association should continue to manage public roads. This choice is important because current rules limit street parking and signs, which the Board oversees.
The 2024 Board of Directors election to select two new Board members is being conducted electronically. You will receive a postcard, text message, email with voting instructions, and a link to vote with your individual voter ID.
Please contact our office with any questions you may have.
You are being asked to vote for two candidates to serve a three-year term. Below are the candidates.